RT @robertlufkinmd: Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity h…
RT @robertlufkinmd: Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity h…
RT @robertlufkinmd: Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity h…
RT @robertlufkinmd: Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity h…
Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity https://t.co/2qSDD2nAtX https://t.co/nMe2WU8LYK
RT @ojoenlabola: La soledad y la infelicidad aceleran el envejecimiento aún más que fumar tabaco. El daño molecular causado por un estado e…
La soledad y la infelicidad aceleran el envejecimiento aún más que fumar tabaco. El daño molecular causado por un estado emocional adverso se va a acumulando y contribuye al deterioro de la salud asociado con la vejez. Este estudio es digno de atención: ht
Want some of the best Longevity advice in the world? "Take it easy." New study shows Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging and can take away YEARS from your life. https://t.co/gmox6LYvTP #LONGEVITY https://t.co/4srRTVEFl1
Common sense tells us chronic unhappiness and loneness may make people aging. Now new research data from over 60,000 people support this claim. Be happy and keep doctors away! https://t.co/c6dlHqWkiX
RT @agingdoc1: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults Fë…
A partner or a pet ❤️ @longevitymag
Recent @AgingJrnl paper by @Theo_Lotrus @biogerontology & colleagues shows that psychological factors are associated with a deep learning aging clock derived from blood data https://t.co/8GyeKBHCBv https://t.co/5QhLvNfjMJ
RT @ageforward_tw: See the full study here: https://t.co/opoGt1oRrv
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/O9UP3KgAEo https://t.co/UR6OirDRIR
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
RT @CienciaDelCope: Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs18…
Estar solo o ser infeliz pueden acelerar el envejecimiento, informa un estudio en la revista 'Aging'. https://t.co/Hs189kUI4M https://t.co/60FYIY1TKK
See the full study here: https://t.co/opoGt1oRrv
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
Loneliness and unhappiness bad for you
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
RT @erlesen: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https…
Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https://t.co/q8PiKy0ti5 Being unhappy or lonely speeds up aging — even more than smoking https://t.co/b0Md1D045Y @_atanas_
America Needs 2 Build Progressive #SmartCitiesOfHope for the Future powered by #Hemp,#Cannabis, #Bamboo, and #Crypto...@POTUS @VP @DNC #TAXRevenue #BRACBaseDevelopment https://t.co/g6hqkP0ymZ #BuildBackBetterBolder #SocialENTERPRISE #AffordableHousing
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @biogerontology: The recent paper linking biological and psychological aging is becoming more popular. Even though @altmetric missed abo…
RT @biogerontology: The recent paper linking biological and psychological aging is becoming more popular. Even though @altmetric missed abo…
RT @biogerontology: The recent paper linking biological and psychological aging is becoming more popular. Even though @altmetric missed abo…
RT @biogerontology: The recent paper linking biological and psychological aging is becoming more popular. Even though @altmetric missed abo…
The recent paper linking biological and psychological aging is becoming more popular. Even though @altmetric missed about 50 news outlets for it. #5 in @AgingJrnl history. I am hoping that it motivated a lot of people to become more optimistic! https://t
Ээж аав, эмээ өвөөтэйгээ хэр ойр ойр уулздаг вэ? Буруу дадал зуршил нь биологийн насыг багасагдаг ч "Сэтгэл санааны таагүй байдал" нь 65 хувиар илүү багасгаж бна. Сэтгэцийн ЭМ-н үзүүлэлтүүд дотроос ялангуяа ГАНЦААРДАЛ нь илүү их нөлөалж байна гэжээ. https
لفت الباحثون الذين أجروا دراسة بقيادة شركة التكنولوجيا الحيوية (ديب لونجيفتي) إلى أنهم فوجئوا بمعرفة مدى التأثير الذي يمكن أن تحدثه العوامل النفسية في الإسراع بشيخوخة الشخص، مقارنة بالعوامل الجسدية وبينها عادة التدخين. https://t.co/JIL6aqp8Fs
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @robertlufkinmd: Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity h…
Psychological factors contribute greater risk than smoking for aging. Find a partner or a pet for your longevity https://t.co/2qSDD2o8jv https://t.co/oL7MeKTgRs
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
RT @ichiipsy: アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8O…
アンチエイジングのためには身体の健康だけでなく、精神の健康にも焦点を当てる必要があるのかもしれません。 AGING 2022, Vol. 14, No. 18 https://t.co/X9M2SdOZPn https://t.co/oT0jb8OfYM
RT @agingdoc1: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults Fë…
RT @Deep_Longevity: Researchers at Deep Longevity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Stanford jointly published the new findings in…
RT @AgingBiology: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults…
@elonmusk You can try psychological age reversal - it may reduce your biological age. A little. https://t.co/DV7w6rwIoD
RT @jaapseidell: Eenzaamheid versnelt het biologische verouderingsproces. Sociale factoren belangrijk bij gezond ouder worden. Bestrijden…
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @ageforward_tw: See the full study here: https://t.co/opoGt1oRrv
RT @biogerontology: Amazing! We made the cover of @AgingJrnl with https://t.co/d11dvnAlE3 the first time we used AI to establish a link be…
Interesting https://t.co/WSCq3wQmqq
RT @AgingBiology: Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults…
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @biogerontology: Amazing! We made the cover of @AgingJrnl with https://t.co/d11dvnAlE3 the first time we used AI to establish a link be…
Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https://t.co/oiKxZs92D9 老化 孤独
Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults. https://t.co/9jZ4jIBxkb
RT @biogerontology: Amazing! We made the cover of @AgingJrnl with https://t.co/d11dvnAlE3 the first time we used AI to establish a link be…
RT @biogerontology: Amazing! We made the cover of @AgingJrnl with https://t.co/d11dvnAlE3 the first time we used AI to establish a link be…
Amazing! We made the cover of @AgingJrnl with https://t.co/d11dvnAlE3 the first time we used AI to establish a link between biological and psychological age. Next step - we need to establish a link between biological age and happiness! https://t.co/e1krmN
孤独はタバコを吸うよりも老化を早めることが最新研究で明らかに - カラパイア https://t.co/tdiB5R4S3f via @karapaia Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults | Aging https://t.co/sr19wVR0An
#Psychologicalfactors contribute to biological aging: Evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https://t.co/rsabAoyQGL https://t.co/NuP8UyBfmj
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
@kirstles87 and we are such social creatures that even loneliness can have a negative effect on our health https://t.co/8LSt3f3HG5
See the full study here: https://t.co/opoGt1oRrv
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
RT @dominikpanek: Według chińskiego badania poczucie samotności, beznadziei i niezadowolenie z życia silniej przyspieszają starzenie, niż p…
Według chińskiego badania poczucie samotności, beznadziei i niezadowolenie z życia silniej przyspieszają starzenie, niż palenie tytoniu - wynika z badań opublikowanych w „Aging-US” (PAP) https://t.co/AhfsVLX507
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https://t.co/iMfZSWS6wx
RT @davidasinclair: Interesting paper from @biogerontology. Find a partner🥰or get a pet🐶because being lonely makes you age faster than smok…
Psychological factors substantially contribute to biological aging: evidence from the aging rate in Chinese older adults https://t.co/uXYZwsNFCd