Cómo ser más espontáneo
METROMi hijo de nueve años salta, da saltos, agita los brazos, salta un poco más, da patadas, da saltos, se detiene para darme…
METROMi hijo de nueve años salta, da saltos, agita los brazos, salta un poco más, da patadas, da saltos, se detiene para darme…
ま9 歳の息子はスキップしたり、ジャンプしたり、腕を振り回したり、またジャンプしたり、蹴ったり、スキップジャンプしたり、立ち止まって私の足を殴ったり、またジャンプしたりします。お気に入りのバンド、イマジン・ドラゴンズのエネルギッシュなポップロックに合わせて…
Credit - Photo-illustration by TIME My nine-year-old skips, jumps, flails his arms, jumps some more, kicks, skip-jumps, stops…
Credit - Photo-illustration by TIME My nine-year-old skips, jumps, flails his arms, jumps some more, kicks, skip-jumps, stops…
My nine-year-old skips, jumps, flails his arms, jumps some more, kicks, skip-jumps, stops by to punch me in the leg, and…
Les bienfaits du fromage ne se limitent pas à son goût délicieux. Selon une étude récente, publiée dans Nature Human Behavior…
可別小看「孤獨」所造成的潛在心理問題!長期孤苦無依、遠離群體生活,心理疾患恐將影響「生理年齡」,造成預期壽命縮短。根據《Aging》期刊近日所刊載的研究指出,孤獨感 相較吸菸、飲食習慣或壓力,更容易加速「生理性老化 」,平均而言較健康正常人衰老了1.65歲…
The oldest members of Gen Z are still a few years away from turning 30, but their anxiety over what they call "rapid aging" has…
Click to save this article.You'll be asked to sign into your Forbes account.Got itDec 12, 2023,07:38am EST For the first time…
世界保健機関(WHO)は、「孤独・孤立」を“世界的に差し迫った健康上の脅威”として、問題解決に向けて新たに国際委員会を設立。これに伴い、「若者から高齢者まで世界中の多くの人々が孤立や孤独を実感している」と、問題の実態を強調しています。 あわせて読みたい! 委…
Last year, Deep Longevity launched SenoClock, a B2B platform that grants easy access to aging clocks and an anti-aging…
Last year, Deep Longevity launched SenoClock, a B2B platform that grants easy access to aging clocks and an anti-aging…
Revolutionizing Health and Wellbeing: SenoClock's aging clocks are more accessible than ever image: SenoClock Gold Grand Launch…
Um estudo, apresentado no dia 26 de março no Congresso Europeu de Psiquiatria em Paris, mostra que indivíduos com problemas de…
tudomány + Az úgynevezett biológiai korunk sokszor nem azonos a naptárival. Például abban az esetben is több lehet ez utóbbinál…
«A menudo enfatizamos demasiado la importancia de las condiciones médicas cuando pensamos en la longevidad», afirmaba hace unos…
Los estudios de envejecimiento biológico indican que las personas no envejecen al mismo ritmo.
- NewsBreak Not all signs of depression are obvious. According to Mayo Clinic, major depressive disorder is often marked by…
Ouvir notícia Sentimentos como infelicidade e solidão contribuem de maneira significativa para o envelhecimento.
Um versão sintética de psilocibina, um composto presente em “cogumelos mágicos”, pode ser a esperança para o alívio de sintomas…
▼ 王欣今年 28 岁,工作非常努力,早早就在大城市贷款买了房。 但由于城市生活压力太大,王欣逐渐变得抑郁、焦虑,精神面貌也日益颓靡:她头上不少白发清晰可见,一对黑眼圈悬挂在脸庞,粗糙松弛的皮肤倍显疲态……给人一种 " 老气横秋 " 的感觉。 其实,不管身处…
What is the top cause of accelerated aging? Bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking are often the first thing that…
Nuestro reloj biológico no siempre está sincronizado con nuestra edad cronológica.
, 18:32 Ученые всего мира пытаются использовать искусственный интеллект для создания нового типа «часов», которые смогут измерять…
La soledad o la infelicidad, sumadas a otros factores de salud mental, pueden ser tan peligrosas como el tabaquismo, según una…
A tudósok világszerte próbálják a mesterséges intelligenciát felhasználni egy új típusú „óra" létrehozására, amely képes mérni…
दुनिया भर के वैज्ञानिक एक नए तरह की घड़ी बनाने के लिए आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं.
Dünyanın dört bir tarafındaki bilim insanları, artık araştırmaları için yapay zekâları sık sık kullanmaya başladılar.
Wissenschaftler auf der ganzen Welt versuchen, zu verwenden künstliche Intelligenz um eine neue Art von “Uhr” zu schaffen, die…
Scientists around the world are trying to use artificial intelligence to create a new type of ‘clock’ that can measure your…
Scientists around the world are trying to use artificial intelligence to create a new type of “clock” that can measure your…
Scientists around the world are trying to use artificial intelligence to create a new type of 'clock' that can measure your…
Tutkijoiden kehittämä ”ikääntymiskello” osoittaa, miksi mielenterveydestä huolehtiminen on niin tärkeää.
According to Deep Longevity, the effects of mental health can be as important as physical health on the pace of aging.
According to Deep Longevity, the effects of mental health may be just as important as physical health on the rate of aging.
According to Deep Longevity, the effects of mental health can be as important as physical health on the pace of aging.
am EDT|New! Click on the conversation bubble to join the conversation Got it! “...we can generate preferences in older people…
Når du ryger, fremmer det din biologiske ældning med synlige tegn på blandt andet huden.
Startseite Ratgeber Gesundheit Erstellt: 04.10.2022, 16:00 Uhr KommentareTeilen Viele Faktoren beeinflussen den menschlichen…
According to a recently released study, loneliness, depression, and dissatisfaction can all accelerate aging more quickly than…
(1) Blood and biometric data, in addition to biological sex, were used to construct a neural network aimed to predict…
Impact Journals LLC “We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of…
We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of aging BUFFALO, NY…
“We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of aging” Credit: 2022…
“We used the aging clock to demonstrate the connection between the physical and psychological aspects of aging” Credit: 2022…
Czym jest zegar starzenia? Na co wpływa wiek biologiczny organizmu? Zegar starzenia to model statystyczny umożliwiający pomiar…
KOMPAS.com - Penuaan merupakan proses alami yang dialami setiap manusia. Kendati demikian, proses penuaan tidak selalu sama…
Według chińskiego badania poczucie samotności, beznadziei i niezadowolenie z życia silniej przyspieszają starzenie, niż palenie…
Китайские ученые выяснили, что люди, подверженные постоянному чувству одиночества и депрессии, буквально изнашивают свой организм…
La santé mentale n'a pas toujours été considérée comme un facteur accélérant le vieillissement, pourtant elle pèse plus lourd…
Share on PinterestResearchers have found that certain psychological issues — such as hopelessness, unhappiness, and loneliness …
Une étude publiée dans Aging-US nous révèle à quel point les facteurs psychologiques pouvaient avoir un impact sur le…
Researchers claim issues like being unhappy, fear and loneliness may impact your body more than physical health problems.
Body Health Depression, loneliness and unhappiness ages you faster than smoking, new study finds Poor mental health could even…
A newly published study has found that depression, loneliness and unhappiness can age you faster than smoking and even some…
Chi soffre di solitudine sarebbe più incline all’invecchiamento e i danni di questa condizione psicologica sarebbero peggiori…
Normalmente, cuando pensamos en tratar de frenar el envejecimiento, pensamos en mejorar nuestra salud física.
Tener una buena salud mental es esencial para llevar una vida plena. En ocasiones, factores como la soledad o la infelicidad…
Um estudo internacional liderado pela Deep Longevity identificou que estar sozinho e infeliz pode colaborar para um…
Cientistas desenvolveram modelo capaz de prever a idade de alguém: fumantes parecem muito mais velhos que não fumantes.
A solidão pode acelerar o envelhecimento de maneira ainda mais alarmante que o cigarro.
Overview: Loneliness, restless sleep and unhappiness have a significant effect on biological aging, a new study reports.
tudomány + A magány és a boldogtalanság tipikusan olyan dolgok, amik megviselhetik az embert, sőt, az egyén környezetét is.
Fortunately, the increased pace of aging may be detected before its disastrous consequences manifest by using digital models of…
Washington, September 27: The accumulation of molecular damage contributes to the development of ageing-related frailty and…
Story at a glance A new study from U.S. and Chinese researchers shows that a person’s mental health can play a role in how…
- NewsBreak Story at a glance A new study from U.S. and Chinese researchers shows that a person’s mental health can play a role…
Story at a glance A new study from U.S. and Chinese researchers shows that a person’s mental health can play a role in how…
Согласно новому исследованию, проведенному компанией Deep Longevity, психическое здоровье влияет на темпы старения сильнее, чем к…
Post Views: 2 Molecular damage accumulates and contributes to the development of aging-related frailty and serious diseases.
Molecular damage accumulates and contributes to the development of aging-related frailty and serious diseases.
Newswise — Molecular damage accumulates and contributes to the development of aging-related frailty and serious diseases.