คงความหนุ่มสาวด้วยออกซิเจนบำบัด HBOT: ชะลอวัยได้จริงหรือ?
User Doctor Tany on YouTube,
รีวิวเรื่อง HBOT ในทางการแพทย์ครับ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8103971/ HBOT อาจช่วยทำให้ telomere ยาวขึ้น แต่จ…
รีวิวเรื่อง HBOT ในทางการแพทย์ครับ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8103971/ HBOT อาจช่วยทำให้ telomere ยาวขึ้น แต่จ…
Learn how a medical researcher has successfully reversed his biological age by 10 years in only 100 days! And also learn how…
Reverse Aging with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)/ Dr Shai Efrati
Reverse Aging with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)/ Dr Shai…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood…
Professor Shai Efrati from Aviv Clinic and Bill Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension discusses about the latest scientific…
Another video on reversing aging and immortality. Successful experiments and studies on aging in humans. How close are we to…
The 10 most-viewed papers on Aging-US.com of 2021: #10 - “Iron: an underrated factor in aging” DOI - https://doi.org/10.18632/ag…
Aging (Aging-US) published this trending research paper as the cover for Volume 12, Issue 22, entitled, “Hyperbaric oxygen…
Aging-US published this high-scoring research paper on November 18, 2020, entitled, “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases…
#Atmung #HyperbaricOxygenTherapy #Zellbiologie #Physiologie Quellen: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7746357/ …
დაბერება და მისი თანმდევი სიკვდილი 21-ე საუკუნემდე განიხილებოდა როგორც ბუნებრივი კანონზომიერება და გარდაუვალი შედეგი. თუმცა, ამ წ…
Hi! Welcome back to my channel. Today, I am going to share a video about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and anti-aging. Watch this…
Researchers at Tel-Aviv University have reversed the aging process in 35 people over the age of 65. DISCORD - https://discord.gg…
A recent study based on hyperbaric therapy could give us more weapons to fight aging. The study showed how repeated sessions in…
"Human ageing reversed in 'Holy Grail' study, scientist say" .... Well, let's see what this scientist (me) has to say.... In…