@CumberpatchM Increased CO2 production increases production of O2. Why is the goal to lower CO2 emotions when we are already at levels so low that terrestrial plant growth is inhibited? https://t.co/z6TLJEEJ3r
@CumberpatchM @CoyoteSanctuary @KerryOLeary4 @BlackTomThePyr8 @Elysian70833145 @elonmusk @Pontifex @spaceforce @IntegrityandK @53v3n0fn1n3 A lot more where this comes from, they have tested this in humans, it works. https://t.co/z6TLJEFgSZ https://t.co/x
@WeHeroicHearts @US_FDA @thehill They cured PTSD using HBOT therapy. They also reversed aging. It was declassified in 2020. https://t.co/yieD4KkAiT
@siimland https://t.co/45t6UAQiWo You might find this super interesting if you haven't come across it before: HBOT-study out of Israel showing reduced cell senescence and lengthened telomeres in a 64yo> population
@bryan_johnson @jzlegion Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy https://t.co/d54WP9jAxD
@zaidkdahhaj https://t.co/BdFqNNpxOk Whoopsie, this was the study I intended to send
@CoyoteSanctuary There is an easier way. https://t.co/z6TLJEFgSZ
RT @kalashnikity: @milehijules There was a time during an ice age several tens of thousands of years ago when CO2 got so low it was nearly…
@milehijules There was a time during an ice age several tens of thousands of years ago when CO2 got so low it was nearly lethal to plant like on earth. More CO2 means more plants & oxygen. More oxygen means healthier and longer lived humans, because
@DrSyedHaider @jbbasics @ichudov HBOT (high pressure 100% oxygen): https://t.co/YI8ZhbqzeB >Telomeres length of T helper, T cytotoxic, natural killer and B cells increased significantly by over 20% following HBOT. The most significant change was notic
@kevinperrott i feel like telling these people no one has to die lol have u seen https://t.co/PF7Mhn6I5M kp? https://t.co/Kng7DyHMyf time stamped - elongation of telomeres by over 20% - i think death is optional now https://t.co/wSJkSiBjoe
@AshleyGWinter As far as why a “wellness spa” might be offering this service: https://t.co/2rvRdXoFsH
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy makes cells regenerate instead of degenerate upon reproduction...
How Noah lived to be over 900 years old... https://t.co/g0SRMYXpAn
How to reverse aging... https://t.co/ZSV3doyTIG
🧬 Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy https://t.co/J0fq7NKaLC
Want to live longer ? try Telomere Extension 🧬 ! through living underwater 🐠🌊 https://t.co/LSkrFhH3XB (high pressure oxygen therapy) the Research 📝 https://t.co/srP0sbpXVl
Rikingenes metode for lengre liv. 🙂
RT @DanielleFong: friday night wonderings hey @bryan_johnson have you seen it’s like an insanely large effect size for telomere lengtheni…
RT @DanielleFong: friday night wonderings hey @bryan_johnson have you seen it’s like an insanely large effect size for telomere lengtheni…
friday night wonderings hey @bryan_johnson have you seen it’s like an insanely large effect size for telomere lengthening, b cell stimulation, and senescent cell reduction. massive effect sizes too https://t.co/ZQpfHKcOX8
Can hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) Reverse Aging? The results indicate that. https://t.co/OyYAfR34MA
RT @MedizinDoc: Forschern gelingt es, den Alterungsprozess umzukehren – mit hyperbarer Sauerstofftherapie Hyperbaric oxygen therapy incre…
RT @MedizinDoc: Forschern gelingt es, den Alterungsprozess umzukehren – mit hyperbarer Sauerstofftherapie Hyperbaric oxygen therapy incre…
Forschern gelingt es, den Alterungsprozess umzukehren – mit hyperbarer Sauerstofftherapie Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial. https://t.co/n6OMI6ukHA https://t.
@CaulfieldTim @crackedscience @DocMCohen @jonathanstea @RyanMarino Some times I wonder is @CaulfieldTim tries to look ignorant https://t.co/fSFUxAmICA
@DIDEspadamala 🩺TERAPIAS ANTIVIRALES D SOPORTE ALGUNOS FENOTIPOS #LongCovid 🦠ABSOLUTAMENTE VALIDADAS #OneHealth #camarahiperbarica @oxyfisio #HealthLongCovidProject #VeterinariosAlFrenteDeLaPandemiaYa
🩺TERAPIA OXIGENOTERAPIA HIPERBÁRICA(HBOT)PARA DETERMINADOS FENOTIPOS #LongCovid y MEJORA EN: 💨Funciones neurocognitivas 💨Fatiga 💨Perfusión y neuroplastic🧠 💨Preserva integridad #telomeros 💨Envejecim y senescencia celular ➡️https://t.co/1GttlCAEIh ➡️https:
RT @MdHyperbaric: #HBOT increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells. At the cellular level, two key in…
#HBOT increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells. At the cellular level, two key indicators of #aging include telomere length shortening and cellular senescence #biohacking https://t.co/W3abW7rUuz
@PeterDiamandis To @PeterDiamandis please ask @davidasinclair about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and can he please comment on this study: https://t.co/PcW3ABXOar…… Should I try to get HBOT for my aging mother (93) ? Want to keep her alive until epigen
@davidasinclair To @davidasinclair I never hear you mention Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT); can you please comment on this study: https://t.co/PcW3ABXOar… Should I try to get HBOT for my aging mother (93) ? I am trying to keep her alive until your epige
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial https://t.co/VrI9jX0EMq
In a recent study, researchers found that HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) may significantly increase telomere length and clear senescent cells. READ MORE: https://t.co/okQDjQIoiy #HyperbaricOxygenTherapy #HBOT #Telomere #Senescence #Longevity #Aging #An
Watch an #AgingShort video about a clinical trial on #hyperbaricoxygen therapy and the reversal of two cellular processes associated with #aging: #telomere length and #immunosenescence. Full study: https://t.co/3g7WOwUgDS #HBOT #openaccess https://t.co/Rk
RT @AgingJrnl: #TrendingWithImpact: For the first time in humans, researchers from Shamir Medical Center, Tel Aviv University (@TelAvivUni)…
RT @AgingJrnl: #TrendingWithImpact: For the first time in humans, researchers from Shamir Medical Center, Tel Aviv University (@TelAvivUni)…
RT @AgingJrnl: Watch an #AgingShort video about a clinical trial on #hyperbaricoxygen therapy and the reversal of two cellular processes as…
Watch an #AgingShort video about a clinical trial on #hyperbaricoxygen therapy and the reversal of two cellular processes associated with #aging: #telomere length and #immunosenescence. Full study: https://t.co/3g7WOwCFMk #HBOT #openaccess https://t.co/hB
RT @MdHyperbaric: 2 key characteristics of aging include telomere length shortening and cellular senescence. HBOT has been found to promote…
RT @MdHyperbaric: 2 key characteristics of aging include telomere length shortening and cellular senescence. HBOT has been found to promote…
I'll hurry right in, I am hoping there is another membrane you can stretch, please.....
RT @MdHyperbaric: 2 key characteristics of aging include telomere length shortening and cellular senescence. HBOT has been found to promote…
@bryan_johnson Have you experimented with HBOT as a tool for reversing chronological ageing? https://t.co/45t6UAPL6Q
RT @AgingJrnl: Watch an #AgingShort video about a clinical trial on #hyperbaricoxygen therapy and the reversal of two cellular processes as…
Watch an #AgingShort video about a clinical trial on #hyperbaricoxygen therapy and the reversal of two cellular processes associated with #aging: #telomere length and #immunosenescence. Full study: https://t.co/3g7WOwCFMk #HBOT #openaccess https://t.co/l2
@CharlesMBrenner @sonii "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells" https://t.co/gyoHdKXbm4 This is also HIF.
@Blagosklonny This is the Israeli study. Note that they transition from 3 times atmospheric pressure, pure O2, to seal level multiple times. This causes pseudohypoxia. https://t.co/mnhPXUrSa6
@davidasinclair have an opinion on hyperbaric chambers and telomeres? https://t.co/ysKZJsa0tT
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
i got mad DBZ vibes just reading the first few words. Game on! https://t.co/wPeH9QxbFe
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial - PMC https://t.co/d7ec10nYQ7
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
RT @StevePhillipsMD: Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone ha…
Pretty cool study: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) elongated telomeres and reduced senescent cells. If anyone has seen animal studies evaluating lifespan/healthspan after HBOT, please send my way. https://t.co/4lvjwvZsSd
@williamlegate Reference this israelí experiment. If you're interested in fighting aging look up David Sinclair on Google. https://t.co/qggPMqji5f
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prosp… https://t.co/mDkQo8Iqva
I guess Oxygen doesn't kill us slowly... https://t.co/X1F1KIc6wa
@dawso007 Long telomeres ! Great accomplishment. I read an article somewhere that postulated that hyperbaric treatment oxygen can maybe do that. https://t.co/hFwsAq60MB
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
يزيد العلاج بالأكسجين عالي الضغط من طول التيلومير لدى 35 من البالغين الأصحاء الذين يعيشون بشكل مستقل ، والذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 64 وما فوق https://t.co/5A4qqpHbIE
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
Telomeres lengthening? Wow-oops: I thought we were told those things aren’t changeable.
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
RT @Blagosklonny: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https:…
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length in 35 healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, https://t.co/hSM3G9AnDm
RT @Stefano58347080: Una speciale terapia iperbarica può arrestare e invertire l’invecchiamento Sackler School of Medicine (israele) http…
Una speciale terapia iperbarica può arrestare e invertire l’invecchiamento Sackler School of Medicine (israele) https://t.co/50mAuOQZan https://t.co/Vx05x6nqKB
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For wound care, autoimmune compromise, and anti-aging affect. https://t.co/teOwEo0Yv8 @ Detroit, Michigan https://t.co/fV22f1fLzK
@oslersweb @keyeri Hyberbaric oxygen therapy may remedy this. https://t.co/E1p61Mm7To
@103Duck @AgBioWorld OK LMAO, but seriously this year has been one horror after another. IMHO science must go on. One of my faves was the paper on resetting the telomeres. https://t.co/9xIEqnNnbJ
@CJBowden1 @justanurse25 Indeed. “Repeated intermittent hyperoxic exposures, using certain hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) protocols, can induce regenerative effects which normally occur during #hypoxia.”🧐 https://t.co/ncRSk0xDiJ
Humans being able to consciously breath is a huge huge advantage - you have the power within you to increase your blood oxygen level with practice, and higher oxygen levels are correlated with increased telomere length, as per this study: https://t.co/8I6
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial https://t.co/it5QQUWmcg
@PSBStars Cheap if it make you live longer https://t.co/YyTxhFbbtx
A landmark study shows the reversal of biological aging in humans. #WHIS https://t.co/C8fjMYIv61